-Top Kafelaku Coffee Chain is the QLP Strategic Partner and will send out VIP Tickets in 30 outlets in the Pearl River Delta area. Kafelaku will energetically promote this exhibition as part of its own international quality lifestyle initiative. -Guangzhou QLP is the sole overseas real estate and investment event supported by Hurun Report, the organization that listed the Annual Top China Richest List. By becoming the Premier Strategic Media Partner, it has endorsed the Guangzhou QLP as a comprehensive event that is of value for their “data goldmine” of high networth invites to visit and secure some overseas real estate and/or investment products. -Premier Capital Group, the largest international real estate agency in China will repeat their participation in GZ-QLP with increased product range and up their presence with great service. -Hexun.com is the largest economic portal in China and will give strong support for the Guangzhou QLP. At the same time, it will be the Economic Portal Partner to promote the relevant show information. -Can Achieve Immigration Company is one of the earliest Chinese immigration company. They will be presenting at the Seminar to promote their projects and also to provide comprehensive information for potential investors. -China Merchant Bank, the Chinese private bank with the largest number of account holders and the best service, is partnering with Guangzhou QLP. -Golf21CN , the Chinese website dedicated for golf enthusiats in China is now a media partner of GZQLP and will put huge effort to promote and invite visitors to QLP, a platform providing potential investors with good investment information and opportunities. -The magazine with the largest circulation amongst similar magazines of all major cities. it is now a media partner of Guangzhou QLP and will promote the QLP Expo in their magazine to the middle class via write-ups and advertisements; thus promoting international quality lifestyle to the general public.